Sunday, 13 November 2011

Nothing In The World But Youth

I spend a fair amount of my spare time in the Turner Gallery, it's so nice to see Margate come alive since it has been open. I suppose it will be even more popular now that the Queen has made a visit. The current exhibition could not be any more perfect for me. If only the Turner had been around when I was doing my dissertation. Nothing In The World But Youth features 94 artists and is named from a quote in one of my favourite books, Oscar Wilde's - The Picture of Dorian Gray - "Youth! Youth! There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth."
Sarah Lucas, Hannah Starkey, Rineke Dijkstra, Francesca Woodman, Jurgen Teller, Lisa Linvay, Phil Collins, Michelle Sank and so many more of my favourite photographers have work in the exhibition. I recommend it to anyone that lives nearby, it's definitely worth a couple of hours out of your afternoon.

View from outside the gallery and Rodin's The Kiss

One of the installations is a short movie by Salla Tykka, I'm sure I was shown this when I was at uni and I loved it then.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Miss You.

I miss you, Dymchurch.

Shot on:
Mamiya 6x7
Bronica sqb
Polaroid SLR 680

Thursday, 3 November 2011

I love Sundays (four days too late)

I checked my Flickr account on Sunday evening, which I rarely do anymore, only to find I had been contacted by a New York publishing company. They want to use two of my photographs for a book they are going to be publishing on self-portraiture.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

After thinking about it for a while, I've decided to make this into a general everyday blog. Now I'm no longer at uni and in the scary world of full employment (which has only been 1.5 years so far), I don't have as much time as I'd like to dedicate to photography. So rather than boring everyone with my photography endeavours, I'll bore you now with my everyday life too!

I'll post something slightly more interesting later, I had the best morning with Nicki, hanging out with some cute animals.

I'm still not using my iPad 2 to it's full potential, I won it in a raffle at work, never do I usually have such luck. A £1 raffle ticket was totally worth it!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

This is Jason Frye

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday, 28 August 2011

It's been a while ..

It's been a long time since I have posted anything, or even done much on the photography front. I finally got a new job (Email Marketing Executive) and will be working in an amazing glass building with a sea view!

I'm waiting to shoot a few more rolls of film before I can send off my bulk of film to be processed and printed. The first film will hopefully come out as anticipated and go toward my first Margate zine 'Margate Gym Factory'.

Although I haven't been taking many photos I'm always reading and researching so here is some work that I've recently discovered, have been reading about:

Mauricio Palos - From the series 'Mr Perro Rano'

Ed Templeton - 'The Seconds Pass'
I bought this book a couple of months ago. I love all of Templeton's work.

Alessandra Sanguinetti - Old and new work


Rinko Kawauchi - 'Illuminance'
(One of the most beautiful books I have ever bought)

Margaret M. De Lange - 'Daughters'

Matt Collishaw - 'Insecticides'

Matt Collishaw's 'Magic Lantern' at the V&A
I bought a poster of this, still waiting in it's packaging to be framed.

This is the miniature version of the zoetrope that was on top of the V&A
(and me looking very grumpy)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

This is Margate

Margate zine coming soon ...

Monday, 2 May 2011

It's Been A While

It's been a good few months since I last posted on here, I'm not entirely sure why.

I've been living in Margate for the past 6 months now, and was living in Broadstairs previously. This means I have been witness to the Turner Gallery being built.

Many people are unhappy with the amount of money that has been spent on it. £17.5 million I think? They think it's a waste of money and that it could have been spent in, what has been described, as "the most deprived area in the South East".

It's definitely not a waste of money, it's going to bring in a lot of money to the local community, particularly Old Town, which was once full of unoccupied shops, and now not a single one is vacant.

I went down to the gallery on the opening day only to find a very long queue waiting to get it. I came back later on in the evening and went on in. My only criticism is that they could have done a bit more with the space. However, the exhibits were all impressive, particularly those of Ellen Harvey and Conrad Shawcross. I won't talk about the art works/exhibits because I think everybody should go and see for themselves rather than reading about it. On the opening night there was also a lighting rig which was just fantastic. I don't need to explain anything. You can just see from my photos below.