It's been a good few months since I last posted on here, I'm not entirely sure why.
I've been living in Margate for the past 6 months now, and was living in Broadstairs previously. This means I have been witness to the Turner Gallery being built.
Many people are unhappy with the amount of money that has been spent on it. £17.5 million I think? They think it's a waste of money and that it could have been spent in, what has been described, as "the most deprived area in the South East".
It's definitely not a waste of money, it's going to bring in a lot of money to the local community, particularly Old Town, which was once full of unoccupied shops, and now not a single one is vacant.
I went down to the gallery on the opening day only to find a very long queue waiting to get it. I came back later on in the evening and went on in. My only criticism is that they could have done a bit more with the space. However, the exhibits were all impressive, particularly those of Ellen Harvey and Conrad Shawcross. I won't talk about the art works/exhibits because I think everybody should go and see for themselves rather than reading about it. On the opening night there was also a lighting rig which was just fantastic. I don't need to explain anything. You can just see from my photos below. I've been living in Margate for the past 6 months now, and was living in Broadstairs previously. This means I have been witness to the Turner Gallery being built.
Many people are unhappy with the amount of money that has been spent on it. £17.5 million I think? They think it's a waste of money and that it could have been spent in, what has been described, as "the most deprived area in the South East".
It's definitely not a waste of money, it's going to bring in a lot of money to the local community, particularly Old Town, which was once full of unoccupied shops, and now not a single one is vacant.