Tuesday 30 March 2010

I need a bigger camera bag

It's been a while since I've used black and white film, but since I have got my Fred Perry commission I decided it was time to go back, and use some trusted HP5. Luckily for me there was none left in stock and I tried some Ilford XP2 which goes through the C41 process and is easily the nicest black and white film I have ever used.
This is a test printed on fibre based paper. This paper is so expensive but is totally worth it when it comes down to the print quality and the tonal range that you get from it. The other reason for this choice of paper is so that I can also try some different toning processes.
Tomorrow I am going to Laybourne Grange with my good friend Tom (check out his blog) to shoot some images for his work and to shoot for my Fred Perry commission. I've been told to take minimal equipment as we might have to make a quick get away from security but I can't possibly travel light when going to such a wonderful place!
My equipment list for tomorrow:
  • Tripod
  • Bronica
  • Canon 30D
  • Fuji mini instax
  • Polaroid Land Camera
  • Leica
  • Rob Ryan fish eye
  • Ilford XP2 120mm
  • Fuji Pro 400H 120mm
  • Fuji Pro 160S 35mm
I may have to narrow this down as I don't have a bag big enough to fit it all in!

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